Saturday, August 18, 2007

sofrA witH creAmy~~~

sofrA'z a turkisH reztAurant around bugiZ..@ shAw toweR...and it'Z a wonderful plAce to be!!!

creAmy and me visiTed it sometiMe lAst weeK...and it wAz not pAcked even on a sAt. afternooN.....and so the plAce wAz quiet and peAceful...the kebApz and red lentiL souP are superb!!!

anywAyz...will trY to revieW on thiZ on TLK when i'M free-eR...for now, juZ to shAre some interesting photoZ we tooK...

the kebApz were stringed onto some sword-liKe thingiez...and after finishinG the food, we were plAying around with the "swordZ"!!!

bewAre of my 尚方宝剑!!!!!

heY!!! 双剑合壁...!!!

thinK thiZ iz my 1sT contAct with sugAr cubeZ...

thiZ iz found alonG the stAircaze leAding to the reZtaurant...creAmy should get thiZ for her rooM...

izn'T thiZ cAndle holdeR nice?

oh...and it'Z my b-dAy treAt from creAmy!!!!! sucH an eArly celebrAtion...hahAaa...

...lAter thAt dAy, we boughT 2 dozenz of donutZ from donutZ fActory...and wenT to ikeA for some shoppinG!!



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