Sunday, August 05, 2007

i'Ve begAn my finAl yeAr liAo!! ^o^

googLed thiZ photo of a sunriZe in augusT....and it'Z apt to my currenT situAtion...a suNrize = a neW beginninG....and i hAve juZ beguN mY finAl lAp of mY undergrAd studieZ...!!

afteR 3 yeArz of i-don'T-knoW-hoW-i-surviVed-alSo undergrAd-ing...todAy'z my 1sT dAy @ scH for mY finAl yeAr @ the scH of biologicAl scieNcez!!! ^o^

resTed for a fulL 1+mtH (julY) and i feeL so lAzy but i mizZ the ktV-ing...the fuN timez with friendZ...cAtching lotzA TV showZ....kidZ centrAl in the afternooN and repeAt telez after midnighT....oK, relAxed too mucH...lotZ of thinGz suppozed to be doNe but undoNe...hahAaaa...juZ relAx!! ;P

noW i'M bAck schoolinG!!

all rightZ...gottA promiZe myseLf to be a good boY and focuZ my heArt into studyinG...hahAaaaa i wilL loH!!! it'Z a requiremenT for me liAo...compulsorY!! ^O^

anywAyz...stArted a greAt dAy with a SMS chAt witH creAmy...and she'z wiZe to reAlize thAt we wouLd dreAd the doinG the sAme thing everydAy regArdlezz of whAt thAt thing iz!! alSo...will meeT uP with angelA to shoW her around lAter...and alSo meet up witH zikziK for afternooN higH teA toO!!!!

mAy mY finAl yeAr be hAppy and welL...and heAlthy too!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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