Saturday, August 18, 2007

jB feAzting triP!!!!!

tooK thiZ juZ before we ended ouR journeY on the cAuzeway towArdz jB...noTe the "biG tRee"...^o^

finAlly the long-plAnned jB triP iz mAterialized todAy (strictlY waz yezterdAy)!!

leT we = uncLe tAy, nanA, dhZ, zhZ, and xhZ (me)!!!

bAck in feb....or sometiMe around there, we selecTed a dAte in mAy to visit jB for a feAzt..juZ like whAt we did bAck in...2004? or wAz it 2003? i thinK it wAz 2004....mY ORD yeAr...

anywAyz...thiZ triP waz postpoNed severAl timez..til 18 auG, and somehow dhZ hAd some urgent mAtter to attend to..he souNded quite sAd on the phone thougH, heNce he withdreW from our'z oK..."come dAy squAre long" = 来日方长... ;)

in summAry, it wAz a doubLe feAzt @ Teck Sing and some mArket plAce for desserT...the 2 places we went on our preV. triP...hahAa...the food iz reAlly nice!!! thAnkz to uncLe tAy for the treAtz!! ^O^

we did shoppinG @ holidAy inN az well....too bAd i couldn'T fiNd my losT thuMb rinG replicA...and thAnkz to zhZ for my hP cryztAl cAze!! ^o^ also...the businezZ iz reAlly very competitiVe there....>_<

felT reAlly nice to hAve sucH nice friendZ bAck from armY dAyz.........

and for dhZ, so we shAll wAit for you to jio uz in decembeR or sometime wheN we all are free-eR ok...? ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

meAnwhile...everyone tAke good cAre...and mAy all be welL and hAppy...

hAppy dAy!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^


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