Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Data Processing Officer (DPO)

Signed the letter of Employment Acceptance yezterdAy....and confirMed i will be working as a DPO for the Singapore Department of Statistics, for the project of the mid-decAde General Household Survey~!!!!

woo-hooOOO~ will be working at citY hAll - cAn shoP everydAy!!!! hAppy~

howeveR, work shAll commence cominG mondAy, insteAd of tomorroW...neverthelezZ, thAt meAnz i get to lurK around my hozteL for 2 more dAyz!!! hahAaa....thAt'z why got time to creAte multipLe blog entrieZ.....^O^

...and among the 9 tAskz i set myself to compleTe before joBbing.. only the following are lefT!!

  1. giVe victoR a b-dAy treAt!!
  2. shifT out of my hozteL....!!! i gonnA mizZ my rooM....

not suRe when victoR'z treAt will be but it'z in tiMe to come~ juZ where shAll we go...^O^

noW....gottA discipliNe myself to sAve all the phonenumberZ into my new phoNe....urgH, shAll do thAt during trAin ridez...^O^


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