Friday, July 11, 2008

Photo Essay Contest - The Rice Project

neArly everyone hAs writteN essAyz with wordZ....

yeZ, but you cAn write an essAy with photoZ too!! one photo leAdz to anotheR...and togetheR they tell a storY...the kiNd of storY dependZ on the nAture of the photoz tAken...

cAnon et. al. sponsoRed a photo essAy contezT (The Rice Project)...and it'z about Living. yeA...portrAying whAt life iz...most importantly, thiZ contesT aimz to benefit the reAlly unfortunAte in (eAst) sri lAnka...

z.yAng (you shouLd know who he iz if you folloW my blogZ..) iz very fervenT about photogrAphy, and he pArticipated in it witH a series of photoZ he tooK from indonesiA. froM hiz dezcriptioN.....the sAddest part iz the childreN there hAd to plAy in heApz of sAd...:-(

clicK heRe to vieW and voTe for z.yAng..~

hiZ photo essAy tAlks about the inbAlance of weAlth between the ricH and pooR withiN overlApping spAces in indonesiA....and theM findinG hAppinezz in their simpLe livez...

my personAl interpretAtion: it beginZ with a younG affluenT surfeR stAnding on the beAch, lookinG fAr acrozZ the oceAn...wonderinG if she'Z actuAlly hAppy? she wAz suddenlY striked by the mindfuL imAge of a rubbisH dumP hoMe of the pooR...she pondeRed deep tiL the sunseT...and she seNsed sAtizfaction and hAppinezz from the fishermAn beneAth the settinG suN...the nAtural sunseT portrAit bringZ her miNd to recAll the sunseT pAinting she sAw @ the rurAl areAz..she cAn never forgeT the bAby smiLe of the pAinter'z boy in front of thAt portrAit...and it endZ with the pooR pAinter who findZ simpLe joY in hiZ pAintingz...

from theM...i reAlized a rubbisH dumP cAn be a hoMe...and hAppinezz can be achieved from simplY fishinG under the sunseT...or pAinting your mind on cAnvas...eveN if you hAve little weAlth...

i'M not a weAlthy boY, i'M consideRed pooR.....and i am hAppy in generAl, so hAppinezZ dependZ on your owN stAndardz....but definitelY, weAlth iz unneeded for hAppinezZ. ; )

plZ vote for hiM in the student cAtegory...and thAnkz!!! ^O^

whAt iz hAppinezZ...?


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