Wednesday, July 09, 2008

pinnIe the piG iz everywheRe...!!!

everyoNe knowZ who Winnie the Pooh iz right...? he'Z thiZ cuTe beAr who loVez honeY...creAted by diZney!!

i visiTed malaccA for fuN with dhZ and zhZ....and witH every fuN triP, i get to knoW abiT moRe about my besT friendZ froM the trulY ultrAly perfectlY pAtriotic armY dAyz...

and one neW informAtion iz thAt dhZ thinkZ pooH lookZ like a piG from fAr....gosH, reAlly? oK, abit lAh...cuZ plump plumP...but the noze iz not piggisH....anywAyz, dhZ renAmed him az "pinnIe the piG"!! so wheneveR i sAw pooH durinG the triP, i will exclAim "pinnIe the piG"..! ;P it muZ hAve beeN torturouZ for theM....hahAa!!

theN...for the pAst 10 dAyz...wheneveR i saW "pinnIe the piG", i photogrAphed hiM!! here are where he wAz fouNd:

on a tisSue pAcket..!!

on a mouzepAd!!!

aZ a soft sAd, the shoP @ Balestier wAz cloZed durinG my visiT...

on a toothpAste tuBe..!!

on a toothbrusH pAckage!!

aZ a hAnd puppeT~~~

on a bowL...!!!! hahAaa!!

oh gosH....pinnIe iz found everywheRe on everythinG..!!!!! (O.o)"'

pinnIe the piGly...,


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