Wednesday, August 22, 2007

nikolAy'z a Russian!!!

a Russia map from Google!!

oH i so hAve to post thiz by todAy...!!!!!!

durinG bS409 current topicZ in structurAl biologY in middAy earlieR on....nikolAy sAt on my left in the computer lAb.....thiZ iz the 1st time he sAt beside me during clAzz and thiz iz our 4tH yeAr of school!

anywAyz...nikolAy'z thiz nice and quiet "ang moh" (=cAucasian) in my cohort...he hAz blue eyez az i noticed todAy, then i remem in yeAr 1 he kepT a ponY tAil...todAy he hAz very short hAir...and trying to keep a mild beArd. we are in different cliquez so i never got to tAlk to him, only smilez and helloz. i alwAyz try to be friendlY to foreignerZ cuZ i admire their courAge to venture overseaz all by themselveZ!

howeveR...think hiz clique all don't dAre to tAke thiz module...hahA.

oK, enougH of digressioN, the mAin theme of thiZ entrY iz...thAt i reAlized nikolAy'z a Russian!!! oH gosH!!!!!!! i sAw him type theze "weird" wordz while replying to some e-mAil....and so i tried my lucK by askinG if he'z by any chAnce Russian, and he iz!!!!! *clApz*

me so hAppy to know a Russian cuZ i am sucH a besotted fAn of Vitaz now!!!! i listeN to hiz songz everydAy!!! now i'M repeAting "a kizZ az long az eternitY"...

i'M reAlly still hAppy and surprized....he'z surprized thAt i know Vitas and liked Vitas so i showed him some lyricz...and he tAught me several accurAte pronunciAtionz of wordz liKe zvezdA (=stAr)...and bAtzelooi (=Poceluy=kizZ) and also ya-jibea-lublue (=i loVe you)....hahAaa..

froM him...i reAlized visiting Russia without knowing Russian my be quite tougH...onlY the younger Russians will know English bah...and thAt...kremliN iz in red squAre? and and...Russian language requirez pronunciAtion of all the alphabetZ in the wordz....

sucH a wonderfuL surprize!!!! yAy! nikolAy'z a Russian!!!!! ^O^

hAppy and surpriZed!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he's a Russian spy to see whether there's any biological WMD in Singapore. Beware of Russians, for they can dropkick you all the way to Siberia.

11:54 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAa...i suppoze you're "bAby" (drivinG courze nicknAme) cheW cuZ he'z the only cheW i know.

bewAre of theM? noPe! in fAct i'M very interested in leArning Russian, of courze only to understAnd Vitas's songz.

nikolAy'z a reallly nice and friendly guy az i cAn senze loH. anywAy, for someone like me...who needs to google for Siberia to know what it is, think the real Russian spies, if any, won't bother about me...hahAaa...

12:35 AM  

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