Wednesday, August 29, 2007

bYe keNo, i'M hAppy witH jAck now~!!!

i cAn't bliVe googLe hAz NIL information on mY greAt hAirstylist...i'M gonnA tyPe it dowN hopinG googLe cAn cAtch it somehoW sooN...:

Hair 88
Unisex Saloon

Jack Loh
Blk 539
Bedok North Street 3
Singapore 460539

hahAa the titLe of thiZ entrY soundz liKe i'Ve juZ switcHed boyfriendz or somethinG... ;P

but anywAyz, i switcHed hAirdresser!!!! yAy!!!!

no moRe keNo for me....he kepT askinG me to keep loooooooonG hAir and etc. whicH i personAlly think mAkez me looK old and messY and all thingZ bAd!! buT anywAy...the bAd hAir dAyz are OVER!!!!!!! keNo somehoW disAppeared and he'z out of my life foreveR! hahAaaa... *clApzzz*

jAck'z a gentle guY who actually waZ my hAirdresser bAck in my secondAry school dAyz i thinK....theN along the wAy, i switcHed to my mum'Z hAirdresser, May (who gAve me lopsided uneveN L and R lockZ..), wenT armY...theN proceeded witH thiZ heleN hAirdresser neAr bedoK interchAnge...theN switcHed to Alan from keNo'z sAlon....theN to keNo himself......and finAlly hAppily bAck witH jAck once agAin!!!

hahAa...he'z a reAl nice and friendlY persoN, all theze yeArz...dezpite me not going to hiM...he still smileZ @ me when i wAlk past hiZ salooN...cuZ hiZ sAloon iz reAlly neAr my i ofteN wAlk pass hiZ sAloon...

i reAlly wAnted to get rid of mY long wAvy and messY hAir (all thAnkz to keNo), and todAy....during the geneticZ lecture, i felT so irritAted by my frinGe thAt i felT determiNed to fiNd jAck for helP strAight after lectuRe!!!!

and i did!! noW i'M bAck to the shorT and spikY youngY looK!! hahAa...and i'M lovinG every momenT of it!!! jAck styled it foR me bY thinninG out mY hAir...and leAving thiZ slightlY longer frinGe slidinG dowN my foreheAd towArdz the lefT! he didn'T giVe me higH pricklY slopeZ..insteAd, he thinned the sidez throughout and shortened it witH cAre...he gelLed for me in the eNd and sAid juZ let the spikeZ forM nAturally...nAtural'z the keY word!! he did it witH sucH eAze thAt i reAlly thinK he hAz greAt skillz!

no moRe more moRe wAvez...NO MORE waitinG so lonG for my hAir to dry...NO MORE wind to mAke my hAir messY and etc etc etc......

clApz and kudoz to jAck!!!!!!!

anywAyz...all the besT to jAck...hoPe he'll fiNd a greAt helpeR for hiz sAloon very very sooN....and kindlY sAck hiz current MC-prone helpeR....pooR guy, he hAd breAkfazt @ 5+PM todAy!!! cuZ hiz helpeR busted hiM by sAying she didn't feel well....sigH, so if you'Re an aspirinG hAirdresser who wAntz to leArn from a kind mAzter...contAct jAck now!!! ^o^

cAn't wAit to re-begiN the dAyz of juZ wAking up....add some geL oN my hAir...styLe for a coupLe of mintuez, and i'M onz for my whoLe dAy!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

prAize to shorT and spikYnezz...


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