Monday, August 15, 2005

foc, focY, focinezZ, focinezZ leveL uP!!!

adriAn - the guy who i sticK with in schooL nowadAyz...reAlly from the beginning of the lessoN...through luncH and even the long long long trAin bAck to bedok...

oH, anywAyz, he inspiRed me to creAte a new term - ouR personAl linGo! FOC - not "free of chArge" but "fulL of crAp", i am a focY person...and no one cAn bet my focinezZ! ;P

okAi...and adriAn'z a guy who hAz seemingly no choice but to tolerAte my focinezZ....hahAaahaa bewAre of my focY clutches!

and in conjunction with the mAple story upped mY focinezZ level so mucH throughout the yeArz...thAt i hAve progrezzed to becoMe a NPC (non-plAyer chAracter)...when adriAn iz currently levelling up slowly...hahAaaa...



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