Monday, August 15, 2005

astRo outinG! pluZ my guiltinezZ....bAdminton + mAple...bibi83'z bdAy.

hAd a bAminton outing with my astRo gAng on a sundAy - the 1st weekeNd of my 1st weeK of schooL...the bAdminton event of the outing wAz fuN...but since me hAz thiz "hiddeN" physicAl impAirment which dizallowz me to participAte in strenuouz activitieZ...thuz me didn't plAy for very long...;P

anywAyz, we proceeded to jerM'z "LAN Shop"...which iz hiz room...with 3 desktopz and broAdband access! i joiNed in angelA and shuzheN...where they helPed me to level up fAster by pArtying me! oH...and chriZ gAve me 20k mesos...and also some mAgician accessories....including a v. nice coAt! but me not eligible to weAr it yet....hahAaa...sooN, and mAybe i should reAlly stop plAying mAple til the holz addicted leH. *sigH* illZ, i gottA control myself...^O^

howeveR, the mAin event of the outing waz to celebrAte shuzheN'z b-dAy! another turned everyoNe waz so hAppy! the cAke eating...the birhtdAy song singinG...and jerM tAught mAx to piAno out the birthdAy song speciAlly for shuzheN...good, "cleAn", and fuN!! hahAaaa...

however, my guilt mAde me not stAy for the oishI jApanese pizzA with them...cuZ me reAlly needed to do my tutoriAlz!!! gottA read my textbooK too...however, i attempTed to...but stilL, i ended up rushing the 2 tutoriAlz on the trAin ride on the dAy of tutoriAl...hahAaaa....luckilY i manAged to complete thingZ........i felt guilty, and i stilL feel guiltY. however, i ain'T gonnA let thAt hAppen ever agAin! ^O^

gonnA work hArd...


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