the suliN withiN insuliN.
"insuliN" wroTe the lyriczzZ to thiz sonG on a sheet of foolscAp pAper...and asKed "swimminG" to pazz it to me.
hmM...the atrociouzlY sillY highschooL dAyz.
i wondeR hoW iz she now?
"leT loVe leAd the wAy" bY the sPice girlzzZ~
i heArd she went to lAw schooL afteR she wenT bAck to mAlaysia...and i thinK we did chAt brieflY on icQ afteR she lefT. but thAt waz more thAn a decAde ago.
i hoPe she iz welL now...and foreveR.
i stilL remembeR thAt one eArly morninG when i got myseLf bAck to my highschooL wAz the firsT dAy of schooL of j2 (2nd yeAr of junioR colleGe = senioR yeAr of highschooL).
i arrived reAlly eArly, bcuz we hAd a deAl to strive and perseveRe througH j2 togetheR.
but, where wAz insuliN?
righT befoRe assemblY....swimminG pulLed me to a corneR and pAzzed me a sheet of foolscAp pAper...and toLd me somethinG liKe:
"sue lyN asKed me to pAzz thiz to you...and she asKed me to telL you she wilL not be heRe anymoRe."
thAt wAz wheN i reAlized she'z goNe bAck to mAlaysia.
and she lefT me her hAndwritten lyriczzZ of "leT love leAd the wAy" az encourAgement for my j2 dAyz.
i kepT it bAck hoMe in singApore, togetheR witH the special seAshell froM ecP.
she'z a greAt frieNd and she wilL alwAyz be my greAt frieNd.
thougH we're not in contAct now.......her smilezzZ and her pozitiVe attitude for life remAinz so viVid in my miNd.
i leArnt how to be optimiZtic from heR...and it iz one of my moz importAnt life lessonZ eveR.
and...i wilL alwAyz lAugh wheneveR i recAll the "pipeR freezinG chArmed gAme" we plAyed durinG ouR P.E. runninG sessionzzZ...LOL~
pArt of me lAughz... (me lAughz noW)
pArt of me criezzZ... (i crY)
pArt of me wAntz to qnz whY? (wAntz to qnz whY......)
whY iz there joY?
whY iz there pAin? (so mucH pAin)
whY iz there sunshiNe theN the rAin?
one dAy you'Re here... (you'Re heRe)
nexT you aRe goNe. (you'Re goNe)
no mAtter whAt we muz go on. (i wilL go on)
juz keeP the fAith and... (keeP youR fAith)
let love leAd the wAy.
everythinG...wilL worK out fiNe.
if you leT loVe...
loVe leAd the wAy.
you cAn be alL thAt...
and stilL cAn be who you aRe.
you'Ve gottA knoW for suRe...
thAt it izn'T mAke beliVe...
you mAy feeL weAk...
buT you aRe stronG...
don'T you give uP deAr...
if you keeP holdinG on...
you'lL neveR be wronG..
juz cloze your eyezzZ cuz it liezzZ deeP in your heArt~
breAking my chAinz...
illZ w.h.Y?
hmM...the atrociouzlY sillY highschooL dAyz.
"leT loVe leAd the wAy" bY the sPice girlzzZ~
i heArd she went to lAw schooL afteR she wenT bAck to mAlaysia...and i thinK we did chAt brieflY on icQ afteR she lefT. but thAt waz more thAn a decAde ago.
i hoPe she iz welL now...and foreveR.
i stilL remembeR thAt one eArly morninG when i got myseLf bAck to my highschooL wAz the firsT dAy of schooL of j2 (2nd yeAr of junioR colleGe = senioR yeAr of highschooL).
i arrived reAlly eArly, bcuz we hAd a deAl to strive and perseveRe througH j2 togetheR.
but, where wAz insuliN?
righT befoRe assemblY....swimminG pulLed me to a corneR and pAzzed me a sheet of foolscAp pAper...and toLd me somethinG liKe:
"sue lyN asKed me to pAzz thiz to you...and she asKed me to telL you she wilL not be heRe anymoRe."
thAt wAz wheN i reAlized she'z goNe bAck to mAlaysia.
and she lefT me her hAndwritten lyriczzZ of "leT love leAd the wAy" az encourAgement for my j2 dAyz.
i kepT it bAck hoMe in singApore, togetheR witH the special seAshell froM ecP.
she'z a greAt frieNd and she wilL alwAyz be my greAt frieNd.
thougH we're not in contAct now.......her smilezzZ and her pozitiVe attitude for life remAinz so viVid in my miNd.
i leArnt how to be optimiZtic from heR...and it iz one of my moz importAnt life lessonZ eveR.
and...i wilL alwAyz lAugh wheneveR i recAll the "pipeR freezinG chArmed gAme" we plAyed durinG ouR P.E. runninG sessionzzZ...LOL~
pArt of me lAughz... (me lAughz noW)
pArt of me criezzZ... (i crY)
pArt of me wAntz to qnz whY? (wAntz to qnz whY......)
whY iz there joY?
whY iz there pAin? (so mucH pAin)
whY iz there sunshiNe theN the rAin?
one dAy you'Re here... (you'Re heRe)
nexT you aRe goNe. (you'Re goNe)
no mAtter whAt we muz go on. (i wilL go on)
juz keeP the fAith and... (keeP youR fAith)
let love leAd the wAy.
everythinG...wilL worK out fiNe.
if you leT loVe...
loVe leAd the wAy.
you cAn be alL thAt...
and stilL cAn be who you aRe.
you'Ve gottA knoW for suRe...
thAt it izn'T mAke beliVe...
you mAy feeL weAk...
buT you aRe stronG...
don'T you give uP deAr...
if you keeP holdinG on...
you'lL neveR be wronG..
juz cloze your eyezzZ cuz it liezzZ deeP in your heArt~
breAking my chAinz...
illZ w.h.Y?
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