silenT nighT.
"sileNce awAkenz oLd memoriezzZ...
sAdnezz slowlY hAuntz me...
i seeM to heAr you whizpeR "i loVe you" agAin...
it'z so cleAr...and viVid.
doinG everythinG to keeP myseLf buzieR...
attemptinG to avoid missinG you..."
"the losT reAzon iz illogicAl.
i ofteN quArrel nonstoP witH myseLf..."
"loVe iz like a piece of filM - deztroYed wheN expoZed...
dizallowinG me to hoLd onto the pAzt..."
"i gAve you a pAir of wingzzZ...
but i bouNd myseLf witH my memoriezzZ."
"i am noT the otheR hAlf you lAck...
but you wilL alwAyz be my otheR hAlf."
tonighT...iz ezpeciAlly quieT.
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