Thursday, April 04, 2013

a miNi sAnd cAstle~

heRe i am.

sittinG on the sAme futoN, sippinG a coronA extrA (ben'Z treAt~!!).

re-reAding Sophie's Castle by Heather F. Levine, illuztrated by J. K. Drummond:

todAy...iz a hAppy dAy.

an unexpecTedly hAppy dAy.

it'z beeN a whiLe siNce i splurGed on karAoke in the stAtez...i sAng 1 fulL houR aloNe and it cosTed USD$35?! a heAvenly pRice compAred to Singapore. hahAaa...good timezzZ~ thiz iz the secoNd tiMe i'Ve doNe thiz here, and siNce i kindA frequenT the narAe bAng in bAltimore, the koreAn lAdy owneR alreAdy recognizeZ me~ wheN she knew i cAme to sinG by myseLf, she quicklY broughT in a milleR liTe and a plAte of prAwn crAckerz for me - on the houZe yoz~!!! she iz amAzing. i wisH i cAn speAk alot of koreAn to communicAte betteR witH her~ and her whiTe furrY puppY iz so adorAble~!!


In a way, there'z a Sophie in every one of us - she is the driving force to keep us moving.

The Sophie in me had a surprize smile today, and I am truly glad~

Moving on to build my next mini cAstle~ ;^)
the sopHie withiN illZ~


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