the sAd snowmAn...
it wAz snowinG whiLe i wAz wAlking to my lAb thiz morninG...and thiz sAd sonG alwAyz popz up in my miNd wheN it'z snowinG...:
"snowmAn" by mAviz fAn.
a snowmAn'z love storY:
it'z so coLd...
alot of snoW hAz accumulAted...
祝你圣诞节快乐。。。 to the one i deeplY loVe.
it'z so coLd...
the entiRe winteR iz righT in fronT of youR doorsteP...
你是我的雪人吗? i sillilY loyAlly wAit on.. mAny of theM...
fittinG togetheR forminG the jigsAw of our fAte...
my loVe wAz creAted bcuz of you...
onlY youR hAnd cAn feeL my heArtache... mAny of theM...
flutterinG silentlY in the skY...
i thinK sprinG iz arrivinG sooN...
and i shAll ceAze to exizT...
snoW iz so beAutiful...2.33333333~
"snowmAn" by mAviz fAn.
a snowmAn'z love storY:
it'z so coLd...
alot of snoW hAz accumulAted...
祝你圣诞节快乐。。。 to the one i deeplY loVe.
it'z so coLd...
the entiRe winteR iz righT in fronT of youR doorsteP...
你是我的雪人吗? i sillilY loyAlly wAit on.. mAny of theM...
fittinG togetheR forminG the jigsAw of our fAte...
my loVe wAz creAted bcuz of you...
onlY youR hAnd cAn feeL my heArtache... mAny of theM...
flutterinG silentlY in the skY...
i thinK sprinG iz arrivinG sooN...
and i shAll ceAze to exizT...
snoW iz so beAutiful...2.33333333~
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