illZie - my 1sT eveR snowmAn~!!!
~3 yrz mAde frostY the mini snowboY in lAb uzinG the icinG froM the minuZ 80 fridGe......
todAy, i mAde illZie - mY 1sT eveR genuiNe snowmAn~!!!!!!!!!!!
mAterialz needed:
1. nAtural snoW
2. illZ (me~!!!)
3. 2 blue decorAtive pebbleZ (froM vaze fouNd in houZe) az eyeZ
4. bAby cArrot az noZe
5. hAndtowel az asymMetric scArf
6. hAir geL coveR az hAt bAze
7. liQuid fAbric softener'z bottLe coveR az hAt toP
8. colorfuL squigglY springY toY az hAt riM
9. 3 dried roZe petAlz az buttonZ~
illZie - righT @ mY doorsteP....guArding mY houZe~
seLf portrAit witH illZie~
me & illZie~
plAying witH snoW iz sooooo fuN...buT quiTe exhAuzting too...
thAnkfully, i hAve my snowboArding oAkley downjAcket and a pAir of ski pAntz~
yeA - snoW iz quiTe a good hAirstylizt~
todAy, i mAde illZie - mY 1sT eveR genuiNe snowmAn~!!!!!!!!!!!
mAterialz needed:
1. nAtural snoW
2. illZ (me~!!!)
3. 2 blue decorAtive pebbleZ (froM vaze fouNd in houZe) az eyeZ
4. bAby cArrot az noZe
5. hAndtowel az asymMetric scArf
6. hAir geL coveR az hAt bAze
7. liQuid fAbric softener'z bottLe coveR az hAt toP
8. colorfuL squigglY springY toY az hAt riM
9. 3 dried roZe petAlz az buttonZ~
illZie - righT @ mY doorsteP....guArding mY houZe~
seLf portrAit witH illZie~
me & illZie~
plAying witH snoW iz sooooo fuN...buT quiTe exhAuzting too...
thAnkfully, i hAve my snowboArding oAkley downjAcket and a pAir of ski pAntz~
yeA - snoW iz quiTe a good hAirstylizt~
Cool...! I hope I can play with snow someday too =)
hahAaa yupz it'z reAlly fun~!!!!! BUT now i'm trApped here in the snow...flightz canceled so i cAnnot return to my country....duH...
oh...too bad...
maybe the snow wants you to play with it longer =)
hahAa....yupz shAll be rolling around or findinG a nice hilL to diVe into!! hhaAaa~
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