Friday, February 05, 2010

rooftoP nighT vieW of peAbody courT hoteL...

it'Z the annuAl recruitmenT dinneR for mY grAduate progrAm....and thiZ yeAr, our dinner'Z @ the rooftoP of peAbody courT hoteL~

fouNd thiZ awesoMe nighT vieW froM the coAt-hAnging-rooM:

hmM...wenT 1 above the 3-drinK ruLe thAt beN set foR me.....buT i manAged to tAke the shuttLe hoMe sAfely~ ;P

hmM, i reAlly shouldn'T drinK since i'M not feelinG welL...drinkinG mAkez me lAugh...and somehoW amplifieZ my sAdnezz too. buT i won'T stoP drinkinG. ):

anyhowZ, wheneveR i drinK....i wAke up dAmn eArly. i woKe @ ~1:30aM...replied 蓉蓉-chAn'z texT (cuZ he woKe too~!!)...theN woKe agAin @ ~3aM due to a verY weird and scAry dreAm...and couLdn't sleeP siNce. hmpH.

so, i mighT az welL begiN my dAy reAlly eArly...todAy'z a long dAy and i need coffee...bAzed on hoW littLe i slepT...and thiZ iz me witH kindA puffY eyeZ:

"i juZ wannA sleeP..."

i hoPe the snoW won'T stop the shuttleZ froM goinG.....bcuZ i reAlly need to go througH some experimentZ witH henrY (thiZ undergrAd i'M guidinG in lAb) in the afternooN - afteR i guide one of the pAthobio recruitZ around cAmpuz.

weiRded ouT.


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