Monday, February 15, 2010

the adorAble shuffleR.

usuAlly, i thinK kidZ and toddlerZ are abominAble. therefoRe, wheN i annouNce thAt some pArticular kid iz adorAble - i trulY meAn it.

noW, izn'T thiZ kid simplY adorAble???

"welcoMe to the cleAn flooR of singApore." wAz whAt i sAid to hiZ pArentz....and we alL lAughed.

bAck theN, we juZ touchdowNed and weRe queueinG to get ouR pAzzportz checKed @ terminAl 3 of chAngi airporT.......

yeA - the queue wAz looooonG, and everyone'Z tiRed and wAiting.

howeveR, thiZ kid wAz sleepinG on the flooR beside hiZ pArentz, and he wilL wAke periodicAlly to shuffLe alonG witH hiZ pArentz az the queue progresseS...

awwW~!!! <3


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