Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Lost Legend = Sim Lim Square Qi Ji Popiah

so sAd.....

todAy i wAz arouNd bugiZ areA on a "secreT" missioN...and i alwAyz droP by to eAt the legendAry siM liM squAre qi Ji popiAh..........@ itz bAsement foodcourT.

to mY sAd surpriZe...i reAlized the foodcourT wAz renovAted and revAmped....everythinG'z chAnged!!! and the popiAh iz goNe... ;(

lookinG bAck, dhZ posted on it befoRe...titLed "Sim Lim Square Popiah..."...

welL, there are otheR brAnchez...mAybe i'lL scouR theM out and trY the popiAh sooN!!!

losinG my fAvourite singAporean food iz trulY sAddening...i uzed to eAt ~4 @ one go az a meAl...

tiMe inevitAbly chAngez everythinG... ''\(>.<)/''

P.S.: yAy~ todAy iz convocAtion dAy~~~ 知足常乐~~~ ^.^ ^o^ ^O^


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