Tuesday, March 06, 2007

luncH slipPed froM my miNd todAy...

a phoTo of cloudZ i tooK on 230207

hAd a frAntic dAy todAy....referrinG to 060307, i shAll neveR forget thiZ dAte....whicH i kindA lefT a phArmacology tesT pAper blAnk.....!!! 15% of the moduLe goNe juZ liKe thAt.

noT thAt i did not studY....i spenT abT 1.5 dAyz flippinG the 5 lectZ....and i didn'T expecT (or did I?) for willmAn to wAnt us to memorize every druG detAil to such extend?! helLo....among the 30 blAnkz....i either gottA fill in one exAmple or a druG clAzz........

i cAn't bliVe thAt in sucH a moderN academiA, hArd and inflexibLe memorisinG iz still in fAshion?! duH.....i refuZe to sucuumb to sucH futiLe leArning techniquez.

wheN i studY, i absorb conceptZ and not tinY detAilz........lookZ like thiz module requirez detAilz more thAn conceptz, and i reAlly gottA sit dowN and try to gobble througH all the drug namez and classes.....duH!!!!!!!

perhApz a pArt of the reAson iz i wAz not feeling welL....hAven't beeN feeling welL for the pAst weeK! and yeT i onlY nApped intermittentlY flipping through the notez the whoLe night.

by right, i shouLd hAve studied conscientiouslY througH the one weeK breAk.......but whAt was i doing?!

1sT 0.5 weeK.....i wAz cleAring some auditz (my part-time job), rushinG lab work with URECA (luckilY my proteins managed to attAin bActerial expression!), pluZ one sessioN of terrible tuitioN with cheZter.....

theN it wAz thurZ and fRi....i begAn reAding all my lectZ for BS313...thiZ functionAl genomicz and proteomicZ module....whicH hAd sucH a dAmn hArd assignment bY thiZ tAng kAi....so i thoughT of understAnding the lectZ before attempting the assignment.

theN sAt....i manAged to browZe all BS313 lectZ...and it wAz the annuAl steAmboat with my astRo gAng at LJ'z plAce.....so thAt tooK all dAy!

suN...reAched home finAlly....begAn studying phArmaco...but kindA slept the whoLe dAy, tiL the reunioN dinneR @ thiZ "heonG sAn" reztAurant neArby our plAce. luckilY i felT ok to lAst through the dinner....didn'T wAnt my pArentz to worrY!!

theN lAst night....mondAy....spenT the morninG witH schooL lAb prActical lessoN...whoLe afternooN doing the BS313 assignmenT, and the whoLe night flippinG the phArmaco notez............guezZ my ilL miNd wazn't in for any memorizinG..............i tried thougH.

theN thiZ morning wAz the test.....and i prActically lefT it blAnk. i fouNd it ridiculouZ....and I wroTe at the bottoM:

"Prof, I am sorry I did not study hard enough for this test. Some terms look familiar but i just can't connect to them, as yet. Sorry!!! -Hong Yuen-"

theN i slipped the blAnkie into the boX and wenT off to the comP lAb to hurrilY compleTe the BS313 assignment siNce deAdline was at 12pM! i gottA skiP one of the tutZ to complete the assignmenT...........and i wAz feeling weAk and floAty and juZ so........dAmned.

Prof. Willman muZ thinK it'Z crAzy for a crowning Dean'z lisT student to hAnd in a blAnkie!!!!!! so whAt?! i aM juZ an ordinAry humAn....i am not a flAsh driVe or an exceL fiLe which cAn record drug detAilz withouT informAtion lozz...but i guezZ he doesn'T eveN cAre, cuZ eveN a fooL knowz the studentZ were copying eAch other frAntically at the bAck fo the LT......

aT leAzt i felT all right, and proud thAt i am honesT with myseLf. @ leAst i wAzn't the kiNd who hidez at the bAck of the LT copying around the plAce juZ to get good grAdez. i dezpiZe them......theY are juZ living liez! beinG honesT waz the greAtest achievemenT todAy.....

anywAyz, afteR the test....and afteR i hAnded in the BS313 assignmenT i felT so relieVed....wAnted to luncH at the bAzement quAd but it wAz so crowded....crowdZ deter my appetite. heNce i grAbbed thiZ bottle of bArley drinK from the supermArt and wenT up to the lobbY coucH......whicH i so ofteN loVe to hAng out and sleeP at....aloNe now thougH.

hAd onlY 30min to slAck before the druG dizcoverY projecT meetinG commencez......i gobbled the bArley...hopinG i will mAke me feeL betteR...and went for the 1-hr meetinG, then rushed for my lAb prActical from 230pm to abt 415pm....then continued meetinG tiL 8+pM!!!

befoRe i reAlized....i actuAlly forgot about eAting a reAl luncH. bArley waz coolinG but it wAz not solid food...felT floAty by 8+pM........hahAa.....

theN returNed to hoZtel cAnteen to eAt the wonderfuL wantoN mee souP + noodLe.....and wAtched the MADTV clipz on youtube to lAugh some before teArz hAunt me, no!!! i shAll neveR allow sAdnezz to shRoud me ever agAin!!! hmM....anywAyz MADTV iz addictiVe...i wAnted to print notez and etc whiLe wAiting for my hAir to dry....and i ended uP onlY wAtchng them.

gottA wAke eArly to print notez...luckilY i broughT my lAser printer to my hozteL rooM...my heAd iz beginning to acHe at the side now and i don't knoW whY........i am juZ not feeling v welL theZe dAyz. and toMo'z a continuouz 7-hr lecT scheduLe..........

and seriouzlY, i wannA triM and cuT off thiZ long wAvy hAir i hAve kepT for about hAlf a yeAr. costlY, tiMe-consuminG, messY......and lookZ horrible withouT tAming. alSo, sAdnezz seemz pAckaged with lonG hAir for me. liKe after hAving long hAir....recently i donT know why....i hAve beeN sourinG my relAtionshipz with people closest to me....botH in schooL and in my 3rd hoMe. schooL referz to the unfriendinG of Adrian, and my 3rd hoMe....refers to my tuition kid cheZter! somehoW cuZ i stAy over if i teAch him on a weekdAy...hiZ houZe iz my 3rd hoMe..theN lAst week i wAz so mAd at hiM cuZ he pizzed me off somehoW. duH.....

heNce, i gottA cut awAy all the bluenezz and dizperZe all the dArk cloudZ hAnging over me......i am determiNed to hAve short and spikY, oR some nice and neAt hAirstyle agAin!!!!

hoPe for the betteR....alwAyz.....

mAy all be heAlthy and hAppy...


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