"it doezn'T mAtter to me..."
it'z fAll (autumN)~!!!
the seAzon where treez loze all theiR leAvez...
doez the lozz signifY sAdnezz? or relief? it'z liKe shedding all your troublez...and finAlly abLe to enteR slumberlAnd in peAce.
leAvez do fAll bAck in singApore too...and i nAturally sing thiz sonG when i see fAlling leAvez...:
"it doezn'T mAtter to me..." by a*meI
leAvez fAll everydAy...
especiAlly tonighT.
az the wiNd blowzzZ...
i droP a teAr witH everY piece of fAllen leAf.
heArtz breAk every nighT...
who do theY hAve fAith in?
wheN the contrAct of loVe iz deztroYed,
hoW shouLd one feeL?
mAybe there shouLdn't be any remorZe and regreT.
and the fAllen leAvez shouLd still be loyAlly safekepT.
a sillY heArt...so sillY thAt it criez withouT teArz...
it doezn'T mAtter to me...
i'M coLd az ice and insipid az wAter...
i won't alloW a dreAm to invAde my tightlY locKed heArt...
wheN loVe iz the onlY deAdknot...
and rumorz spreAd of a brokeN loVe...
i would rAther be a fAlling leAf cArried awAy by the wiNd...
it doezn'T mAtter to me...
my heArt'z been brokeN and i hAve cried...
i onlY know thAt lovinG someone iz nAturally righT...
but whY doez love ofteN leAd someone into a trAp?
when the worLd iz shrouded by a dusT of loVe...
i'd rAther be the finAl piece leAf to fAll...
the seAzon where treez loze all theiR leAvez...
doez the lozz signifY sAdnezz? or relief? it'z liKe shedding all your troublez...and finAlly abLe to enteR slumberlAnd in peAce.
leAvez do fAll bAck in singApore too...and i nAturally sing thiz sonG when i see fAlling leAvez...:
"it doezn'T mAtter to me..." by a*meI
leAvez fAll everydAy...
especiAlly tonighT.
az the wiNd blowzzZ...
i droP a teAr witH everY piece of fAllen leAf.
heArtz breAk every nighT...
who do theY hAve fAith in?
wheN the contrAct of loVe iz deztroYed,
hoW shouLd one feeL?
mAybe there shouLdn't be any remorZe and regreT.
and the fAllen leAvez shouLd still be loyAlly safekepT.
a sillY heArt...so sillY thAt it criez withouT teArz...
it doezn'T mAtter to me...
i'M coLd az ice and insipid az wAter...
i won't alloW a dreAm to invAde my tightlY locKed heArt...
wheN loVe iz the onlY deAdknot...
and rumorz spreAd of a brokeN loVe...
i would rAther be a fAlling leAf cArried awAy by the wiNd...
it doezn'T mAtter to me...
my heArt'z been brokeN and i hAve cried...
i onlY know thAt lovinG someone iz nAturally righT...
but whY doez love ofteN leAd someone into a trAp?
when the worLd iz shrouded by a dusT of loVe...
i'd rAther be the finAl piece leAf to fAll...
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