Monday, October 29, 2012

in honoR of frAnkenstorm...

"heAvy rAin" by wawA~

frAnkly...i did not purpozely...
run into both of you along the streeT...
i am hesitAting...if i shouLd hide...
or let you notice my preseNce.

the rAindropz from the skY...
slipPed into my heArt from my eyez...
i'M contemplAting...if i shouLd hide awAy from you,
if i shouLd hide awAy froM thiz torrentiAl rAin...

the heAvy rAin...iz nonstoP...
my heArt...iz confuZed.
plz brinG me to a plAce withouT loVe.

the heAvy rAin...iz nonstoP...
my heArt...hAz lost itz wAy.
plz brinG me to a plAce withouT loVe.


wondeR if there'z a song abouT 大风?

my fAmily'z reAlly worried about me........i thinK it should be fine. buT still, there'z alwAyz a risk of ultimAte disasteR in timez of a huGe hurricAne storM...hopefullY frAnkenstorm will not be lethAl.



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