Tuesday, January 11, 2011


suddenlY recAlled soMe clAssicz bY vAlen hSu....and thiZ iz one of theM:

"独角戏" bY 许茹芸。

who iz directinG thiZ shoW of mine?
i'M the lonelY soLe chAracter...
i'M alwAyz soliloquizinG...
my protAgonists are my memorieZ...
i cAn't deduce any endinG...

it hAz beeN you froM the stArt tiL the eNd..
you who mezmeriZed me completelY.
if thiz storY iz deztiNed to be a trAgedy...
theN whY direcT me througH the prettY unioN and separAtion..?

on a stArlezz nighT...
i attrAct you witH the lighT reflecTed froM my teArz...
siNce lovinG you iz meAnt to be unspeAkable and i cAn onlY crY whiLe i smiLe, juZ let me deleTe you from my memorY froM now onwArdz....

on a stArlezz nighT...
i'M leAving you witH our memorieZ...
if everythinG iz juz a pretentiouZ acT...theN plZ enjoY the shoW whiLe i willinglY breAk my heArt...



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