Sunday, January 02, 2011



don'T grAnt me hAppinezz + sAtizfAction and theN torturouZ pAin...
i don'T wisH to crY anymoRe...
how do i defiNe loVe???

don'T grAnt me lonelinezZ + helplessnezZ and theN consolAtion...
you don'T understAnd me...
and thAt sAddenz me the moZ...


thougH you toLd me you'lL mizz me foreveR...
i knoW our loVe hAz died.
you returNed me my freedoM...
buT i'M too exhAusted to ezcApe...
simplY recAlling you in everY secoNd of my memorY...

i wisH for the antidoTe of lovesicknezZ...
overwhelMed by intolerAble memorieZ of loVe...
you imprisoNed me in your lovejAil for life...
lonelinezZ iz my bAck numbeR...
i wAtched my heArt beinG loveburnT on a dArk nighT...

you gAve me a jAil of loVe...
witH my hAndz cuffed bY hoW mucH i mizZ you...
i wAil...and i lAugh in decAdence...
doeZ anyone heAr me from beyoNd my innerworLd..?

i kneW thAt loVe iz a jAil righT froM the stArt...
buT i uncontrollAbly jumPed into the prisoN of loVe...
the lonesoMe wind blowzzZ...
the solitAry islAnd of punctuAlity...
my heArt'z hibernAting in the snoW...
and tomorroW iz simplY a questioN mArk...

hAckened 2011-ly...


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