Monday, January 25, 2010

imagine - wAlkabout oveR the HP Logo.

lAbbed tiL reAlly eArly to reAch some sAdz and DUH expt resultZ thiZ morninG....and arriVed @ lAb agAin @ 9+am to guide juliA througH the trAnzfection procezZ...

beeN plAnning lonG dAyz for myseLf cuZ i wannA filL every corneR of my dAy....recentlY...i feeL like i'M runninG out of tiMe...liKe my life iz more thAn hAlfway througH? anywAyz, excepT tonighT, cuZ ALL the PCR mAchinez are fulL i cAme home to do lAundry.

and...todAy wAz unusuAl.


afteR journAl cluB...i reAlly needed the seA.....and the weAther wAz perfecT for a i begAn wAlking awAy froM schooL.

pAzzed by office depoT, and i fouNd "imagine":

it'Z a nice mAgnet thingie...

now it'Z hoverinG on mY monitoR in lAb...

(noticed the photo quAlity of nokiA twizT iz mucH betteR)


wAlked aloT and sAt bY the secluded hArbor corneR for a coupLe of hourZ....

i love the seA....thougH the hArbor wAter'z not a jettY or a originAtez froM the seA, and the seAz...the oceAnz of eArth (the plAnet i liVe on) are all i feeL my fAmiliar seA whiLe sittinG by the hArbor. ^.^

cAn't wAit to get bAck to bedoK jettY...

returNed to lAb @ find out beN wAz lookinG for me..

gosH....hmM, and we hAd an interestinG and thAnkful chAt...

suddenlY, i thoughT of ben'Z koreAn accenT of "wen-zheN duAn" - thAt mAkez me lAugh... ^o^

leArning to mAture my imAgination~


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