Sunday, January 24, 2010

"don'T tAlk to me - i don'T need to tAlk."

i wondeR whAt elZe wilL i sAy to my lAbberz in futuRe??

lAst fridAy waz sucH a pizZed dAy for me thAt i eveN lost my mood to joiN in the hAppy hour my lAb orgAnized - well.....not reAlly my whole lAb, bcuZ my bozZ setz the dAte and tiMe, theN the otherZ do all the orgAnizing and procurinG.

me? juZ sAy "no" wheN beinG asked if i hAd any speciAl beeR requesT, and "mAybe" wheN beinG asKed if i'M goinG over to the hAppy hour areA.

sooN, no one wilL asK me anythinG - unlezZ experimentAl or scieNce relAted - i hoPe.

hmM....i skipPed the whoLe event, went hoMe, ate earlY dinneR and nApped from 5 to 10. theN returNed to lAb til ~1aM.

so, who couLd sAy "NO" to free beeR? me.

thAt wAz one of my weirdezT fridAyz.


i suddenlY remembeRed a senteNce i sAid to one of my secondAry schooL clAzzmatez.....bAck wheN i wAz 14....wheN she asKed me if i waz angrY witH her:

"生什么气? 都没气可以生。“


i perisHed anotheR elemenT thAt mAkez me smileY and lAughy in mY worLd. ):


i hAte leAving but life goeZ on. ):


i hAte livinG but life goeZ on. ):


yeA - life goeZ on...


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