Tuesday, January 19, 2010

shouLd i triM my jAwz and chiN?

beinG trAined in a hozpitAl settinG, it'Z commoN to meeT physiciAnz on a dAily bAsis...

but physiciAnz are not dentistS....and dentisTs focuZ on the orAl cAvity....

so, durinG our singAporean MLK pArty...kM (a malAysian dentisT traininG here) joiNed in for some fuN....thAnkz to kAh for volunteerinG to driVe uz hoMe cuZ the shuttLe wAz dowN on MLK.

az we wAlked towArdz kAh'z cAr.....i cAsually asKed kM if i need brAces....then he thoughT for a whiLe...and gAve hiz professionAl advize....whicH iz to do somethinG elZe befoRe i put brAces on....

in lAyman termz - triM my jAwz...and chiN?

i wAz like....WOW - reAlly?!

OK, it'Z my fAmily phenotyPe to hAve lArger lower jAwz...and our loweR fronT teetH iz in fronT of ouR uppeR fronT teetH wheN we clencH ouR jAwz. kM sAid....we're clAssified az tyPe 3 in dentistrY termZ...

so, hiZ advize iz to triM my jAwz from the inside (so no scArz on the outside)...to shorteN my loweR jAw, and theN repositioN my teetH witH brAces to mAke thingZ perfecT.

the medicAl term shouLd be....Orthognathic Surgery?

somewheRe...froM googLe imAge.

yeA........and thAt WILL hozpitAlize me for minimuM one weeK and chAnge my fAce shApe permAnently.

i certAinly don'T wannA go througH thAt horribLe hozpitAlization wheN i'm alL aloNe here in the stAtez....and i alsO don'T wAnt my fAmily to see me go througH thAt. hmM, ok, it'Z betteR to do it wheN i'M awAy froM everyoNe...i'M confidenT of tAking cAre of myseLf. juZ gottA stocK enougH liquid food to eAt for one montH.....

OK, wheN i hAve lotzzZ of unfinishAble cAsh and i wAnt to shocK everyoNe who knowZ me in reAlity.......then it wilL definitelY be a YEZ.



Anonymous Hua mei said...

Oh no, it sound so scary! Heard that when one is on liquid diet, their mood turns very bad!

9:44 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

yAh soundz scary........but very fuN and interestinG~!!!! insteAd of lAzik....mAybe i cAn go for thiZ one. LOL~!!!!

aiyAaa...without liquid diet, my modd alreAdy very bad sometimeZ....

5:01 PM  
Anonymous e-wen said...

hey dude, this is definitely 1million times more "invasive" than LASIK.

I had a good friend whose brother underwent the same surgery few yrs ago, its not that simple, because of the nature of the surgery and infection/inflammation will cause swelling of the throat. That person i knew of, had a mild infection, his throat was all stuck with phlegm and the doctor had to insert a suction tube down the throat to clear the phlegm so that he can breath. And u wun be able to speak for a long time, so prepare a white board and marker.

If u really need this, i suggest do it where u know u have family/firends who can guard u round the clock aft the surgery. Be safe ok..

1:27 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

aiyo reAlly ah????

no lAh now me too poor to get it done....but orthognathic surgery might be partiAlly covered by my current medicAl insurAnce. so gottA checK.

yAh the thoughT of it is scAry....but quite fuN in a scAry wAy?

and yeA, i cAn imAgine why infectioN cAn be soooooo dAmn eAzy.

no worrieZ, if i hAve cAsh and i chooZe to do thiZ, wilL consideR all fActorz very cArefully de... ;)

1:38 AM  
Anonymous Hua mei said...

Haha mine is inflammation, not infection, so it showed that my immune system is working damn hard! Maybe go read forum and see what they say! No regrets for LASIK! Horay! I totally agree with wen mei to do it with family or friends around cos that's where ur moral support are!

10:18 AM  

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