Monday, January 04, 2010

concentrAted bp. ^.^

i'm kindA glAd to hAve lAme humAnz ard me to mAke me smiLe oNce in a whiLe...


wAz it yeZternight? or....yezyeZternighT...

whiLe gchAtting with 蓉蓉-chAn abouT thiZ so eveR CUTE turtLe toY i found on amAzon...i toLd hiM thAt i wAz concentrAting my dnA in the lAb....whiLe he wAz gAriben-ing the immunologY texT in the computeR lAb....

theN he sAid thAt i need to mAke my dnA concentrAte bcuZ it iz nAughty.

geT it? hahAaa...


me hAven't beeN groceryinG witH hAng-ni-mah for aeooooonzzZ....theN yezterdAy he cAlled me to go groceryinG whereveR witH hiM todAy...

i don'T liKe to requezT hiM to brinG me ouT cuZ i knoW he'Z crAcking hiz heAd tryinG to thinK of hiZ reseArch directioN (me too~!!!!!)...and i toLd hiM it'Z besT for hiM to settLe hiZ G.B.O. bY end of feB...

mini-hAng-ni-mah and hiZ wife (whoM i addrezZ az nu-na-yAh) were witH uz todAy too...and i so liKe shoppinG witH theM cuZ i don'T feeL so bAd spendinG wheN i see theiR receiptZ.....hmM, hoPe thAt doezn'T bAdden me.

anywAyz...wheN we pAzzed by the B.P. (British Petroleum) gaz stAtion...i pointed and nAturally sAid, "bp"....

hAng-ni-mah immediAtely sAid "basepair"....and he clAimed the logo actuAlly iz some sortA cryztAl structuRe of DNA...:

welL....the logO iz liMe greeN and glowinG in the eveninG - i like it~

and yeA...."birdZ of a feAther flocK togetheR", all the lAme birdz flocK togetheR witH me....hahAaa..... ;P

concentrAted bp. ^.^


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