Tuesday, January 05, 2010

tripLe stAmping a doubLe stAmp~!!!

lessoN of my dAy:

"you cAn't tripLe stAmp a doubLe stAmp..."


yeZ~!!! thAt'z a quoTe froM "dumb and dumbeR"...whicH Joe nicelY lenT me on our officiAl 1sT workdAy of 2010~!!!

he lenT it to me cuZ of the sAmsonite luggAge i boughT and kepT @ the lAb for so looooonG befoRe i drAgged it hoMe...cuZ wheN he asKed me whAt it wAz...i repLied witH "it'Z my sAmsonite luggAge~!!!" LOL~

"sAmsonite~!! i wAz wAy off~!!"...

me juZ wAtched it and it'Z reAlly funnY...

so lAme~!!!!

gosH - hoPe no one'Z reAlly thAt dumB.....

(8)275tHou on a cAr???!! woW........

hmM, sillY and dumB peopLe feeL hAppy wAy eAzier and alwAyz hAve good fortuNe...

tripLe stAmping...


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