Thursday, June 12, 2014

the boY from the southerN seA~

"the girL from the southerN seA" bY teresA tenG~

the pAlmy wind teazez the silver wAvezzZ...
the settinG suN peekz througH the chillAxing cloudzzZ...
seeinG someone sittinG aloNe on the goldeN beAch...
sucH a lovelY littLe girL~

her eyez glitteR like stArz~
her eyebrowz curVe liKe littLe crescenT moonZ~
she'z weAring a brighT red sArong...
az red az the arecA on her lipzzZ~

she'z sighinG lightlY...
sighinG abouT thAt heArtlezz boY...
droppinG teArz of sAdnezz...
dAmpening her red sArong and whiTe blouZe...

aYe the girL from the southerN seA...
you shouLdn't be too sAd...
so younG at sixteeN and a hAlf~
let go of your losT dreAm...
a neW boY wilL accompAny you~



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