Friday, March 28, 2014

invizibLe wingzzZ~

"wingzzZ of lighT~" bY fAye wonG~

quietlY prezzinG the on buttoN...
the colorzzZ of the screeN becomez brighter and brighteR...

i'M lookinG for a littLe corneR withiN thiz virtuAl citY...
for my souL to tAke a resT.

the clickinG soundzzZ of the plAztic keyboArd...
the ambienT soundzzZ of the mAchine...

abandoninG my imperfecT bodY...
jumpinG througH the windoW of reAlity~

spreAding my invizibLe wingzzZ~
flyinG towArdz the mooN~
scourinG for the prettiezT~
piece of littLe heAven~

pAssing by the eNd of the worLd~
followinG my instinctzzZ~
ridinG on my guzT of imAgination~
exudinG infiniTe rAyz of lighT~

trAnzmitting my thoughtzzZ via higH speed cAblez...
reveAling my dezirezzZ via blinkinG wordzzZ...

preferrinG consolinG wordzzZ to a wArm huG...
bcuz theY seeM to hAve a strongeR toucH of reAlity~

the colorzzZ on the screeN continuez to shiNe brightlY...
the ambienT soundzzZ of the mAcine continuezzZ to huM...

i cAn't find a secreT plAce to hide my dezirezzZ...
in thiz seA of interneT...

the myzteriouZ tunneL iz goinG to be expozed sooN...
i cAn't hide the excitemenT withiN my heArt~

abAndoned my overexhAuzted bodY...
jumPed througH the windoW of reAlity~



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