you oH you~
"you oH" by sodAgreen~
to my bAby:
it'z gettinG reAlly lAte now...
our dreAmland haz becoMe our heAven~
youR fAce...secretlY buried into our cottoN cAndy~
your red kiNd and wArm~
your heArt...iz the moz beAutiful heArt in the worLd~!!
you oH you...
my bAby~
you oH you...
so nAive and innocenT~
you oH you...
a littLe shY huh~
you oH you~
oh oh oH~
you oH you...
my bAby~
you oH you...
hurrY put on your blAnkie~
you oH you...
obedientlY fAlling asleeP~
you oH you...
oh oh oH~
you oH you...
my bAby~
you oH you...
i simplY cAn't lie to you~
you oH you...
my purezT bAby~
you oH you...
oh oh oH~
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