Tuesday, February 01, 2011

stiR-fried XO shrimP cHilli chickeN thigH

felT fruztrAted todAy and so, me went hoMe to cooK luncH siNce lAb meetinG wAz cAnceled due to the adverZe (yeA righT?!) winteR conditionZ:


cookinG iz a kiNd of therApy foR me.....it'Z fuN liKe a gAme and i get to eAt deliciouZ (hopefullY) food....so whY noT??

bAzed on tipZ jayjAy (Shifu) gAve me viA fAcebook....zomG, i reAlly loVe whAt i cooKed........

it wAz irresistAbly deliciouZ and perhApz i ate too mucH for luncH....felL asleeP afteR thAt and woKe @ ~630pM?! totAlly wAzn't in lAb the whoLe afternooN....LOL~

fortunAtely.......lAb life iz flexibLe...it'Z up to uz to switcH timeZ arouNd and liVe in anotheR tiMe zoNe on eArth~

boN apetiT-ed~!!


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