Sunday, January 30, 2011

up uP UP ♥

sAw thiZ vid on sarAh'z gchAt stAtuz....and she sAid morAssa shoWed her some tiMe ago.....:

"UPular Remix" - bY DisneyPixar

UP! iz a moVie thAt i reAlly loVe to wAtch.......rewAtched it witH baobAo-chAn and yorKe recentlY....the hotpoT nighT wheN yorKe tAught me how to perforM zestinG on orAngez~!!!

"Queen" waz the one who toLd me abouT it in the 1sT plAce....siNce we botH loVe beAuty and the beAst....and she sAid UP! iz on pAr witH beAuty and the beAst~!!! thAt urGed to to arrAnge to wAtch UP! witH bellA bAck theN....... ;)

hmM, beAuty and the beAst winZ. hahAaa~

up uP UP ♥


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