Sunday, July 25, 2010


my hP bAtt wAz deAd oveR the weekeNd...

me wenT bAck to lAb brieflY to retrieVe my chArger befoRe heAding off for grocerying witH jerrY and liYe...

the suN wAz shininG stronglY az i wAlked to the lAb...and whiLe i wAz returninG, i cuT througH the hozpitAl in order to deposiT a checK @ the bAnk mAchine....(usuAlly i wAlk outside alonG orleAnz)...

i stopPed by the informAtion counteR to borroW a peN to endorZe my checK, and thAt'z wheN and wheRe i meT yvonNe.


yvonNe joKed about hAving 6 penZ and beinG lefT witH onlY 1...bcuZ peopLe wAlk by to borroW penZ from the informAtion counteR and neveR returned theM...

she offeRed me a booK on her desK az a bAcking for me to sigN my checK. we chAtted abiT and she sAid i look liKe i'M 20 or 21...theN she lowered my aGe to 12 or 13? i toLd her i'M here for my ph.D.....reseArching on breAst cAncer.

theN, yvonNe grAciouzly sAid she hAz breAst cAncer...and thAt surpriZed me...i congrAtulated her and sAid i aM so glAd to see her stronG and heAlthy. ;)

"iz it rAining?" yvonNe suddenlY asKed...and yeA, it wAz! the suddeN chAnge in weAther wAz kindA crAzy.....yvonNe stood uP and wAlked towArdz the windoW...and she told me hoW she loveZ to wAlk in the rAin...

and i thoughT i wAz the onlY persoN who loveZ to wAlk in the rAin.....

howeveR, she loveZ to wAlk in verY heAvy downpourZ....and i loVe to wAlk slowlY in drizzleZ....

she sAid rAin giveZ heR a very peAceful feelinG~

i wondeR if she agreeZ thAt the coLd rAindropz bleNd in perfectlY witH wArm teArz thAt floW dowN one'Z cheekZ???

meetinG yvonNe encourAgez me in my worK........hopinG to somehoW creAte more breAzt cAncer survivorZ...


"God Blezz"...


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