Friday, July 23, 2010

mY extinguisHed mAtchstick heAven.

hAd an imprompTu dinneR-movie witH pAul:
finAlly got to trY Joe's Squared Pizza - which iz cute and deliciouz~
surpriZed @ the contenT of "the girL who plAyed witH fiRe".


afteR thAt, pAul wAz tired so he heAded hoMe...initiAlly thiZ wAz plAnned to be a ktV nighT. :(

i so feeL the need to sinG my heArt ouT. bAck in singApore.......i alwAyz sinG aloNe @ kboX wheN i feeL negAtivity.

so i risKed wAlking aloNe in the ghettO areAz and sAng for an expensiVe 1 houR~!!! lookZ liKe the peopLe heRe don'T sinG ktV aloNe.......the koreAn owneR looKed ultrA surpriZed wheN she sAw me aloNe @ the end of the stAirz.

one of the songZ i repeAted mAny tryinG to mAzter it siNce bAolin requesTed for thiZ sonG previouzlY:

"mAtchsticK heAven" - bY pAnda

i thoughT abouT my heAven whiLe i sAng the sonG repeAtedly:

foR once i thoughT i arriVed @ a perfecT mAtchstick heAven.
wheRe the suN shineZ.
wheRe the cloudZ forM heArtz.
wheRe the heAvenly birdZ chirP.

everY mAtchstick getZ extinguisHed.
everY suN wilL eventuAlly die.
everY cloudY heArt getZ diztorTed.
everY chirP fAdez out into sileNce.

the mAtchstick wAz extinguisHed.
the sunrAyz weRe blocked.
the heArty cloudZ weRe blowN awAy.
the heAvenly chirpZ fAded into deAd sileNce.

juZ az there'Z alwAyz a possibLe withiN impossibLe,
there'Z alwAyz imperfectioN withiN unimperfectioN.

my imperfecT suN iz shininG~


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