Monday, May 24, 2010

drivinG clAzz - dAy 1~!!!

bY the lAw of the stAte of mAryland.....30hrZ of clAzzroom drivinG theorY and 60hrZ of prActical drivinG hAve to be formAlly documenTed befoRe tAking the drivinG tesT~

FINALLY....afteR knowinG thAt i hAve to tAke the drivinG courZe aloNe (mingliAng'z leAving siNce he fouNd a fAculty pozitioN~!!)....and i hAve finAlly gAodimed my mAjor grAnt writinG assignmenT.........i decided to attAin my driver'Z licenZe in the USA~!!



so i fouNd thiZ drivinG a not totAlly sAfe areA....bcuZ coMe on, the whoLe areA i am noW @ iz unsAfe....@ leAzt it iz not in an ultrA ghettO areA...

pAid 300 buckZ strAight to get througH thiZ courZe.

my clAzzmatez are reAlly diverZe:

- a teenAger chineZe reztAurant wAitrezz...wAz surpriZed to see her siNce me and hAng-ni-mah chAt witH her aloT wheN we visiT her reztAurant...she eveN gAve uz free sAmplez of her own dinneR...

- an ex-convicT sAt beside me...he sAid he wAz in jAil for mAny many many monthZ and it'Z not fuN... (-.-"')

- anotheR ex-convicT who wAz jAiled for only 1 weeK...or wAz it a montH?

- some unknowN mexicAn guyZ....

- and thiZ knifeY africAn americAn girl...

quiTe fuN to meeT theZe'Z a brAnd neW experience compAred to the M.D. + Ph.D. crowd i meeT everydAy @ hopkinZ...


kindA funnY to siT in a smAll clAzzroom...witH sucH a diverZe gAng of clAzzmatez....i thinK the teAcher had no ideA where Singapore iz...bcuZ he asKed me whAt lAnguage do i speAk...

i reAlly liKe the ceilinG of the clAzzroom...

the looooonG wAlk hoMe @ night tiMe iz kindA dAunting....buT i mAde it hoMe alive!! gonnA be riskinG every nighT tiL clAsses are oveR...buT theze risks brinG me a big steP closeR to my driveY freedoM~


p.S.: speedometeR iz not spelT az "spedomiter"...i am definitelY righT~ buT i fiNd spedomiteR kindA innovAtive~


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