Sunday, May 09, 2010

air fresheninG a cockroAch. argH~!!!!

a weirdlY funnY crueL thing hAppened last night.

reAched home froM lAb @ ~1aM......wheN i waz abt to exit my bedrooM for my bAthroom to tAke a nice showeR...i opened my door, and thiZ cockroAch waz runninG towArdz my rooM along the corridoR....

i quicklY clozed my dooR!!!



oK, i hAve no insecT sprAy.

i looKed ard my rooM.....the onlY sprAyey thingieZ are my mAny bottleZ of air i grAbbed one, opeNed the dooR, and kepT sprAying on thAt roAch~!!

mY fAve scenT - glAde'z whiTe teA & lilY.


initiAlly, it wAz scAred....i guezZ it kneW abouT insecT sprAyz....cuZ it'Z the sAme sprAy-styLe kiNd of attAck. it tried to retreAting to the stAircaze in my houZe...

az i kindA leArnt thAt the sprAy wAz not insecticide. so it stAyed stilL, juZ tryinG to counteR the air pressuRe thAt wAz blowinG on it.


welL, i kepT sprAying and sprAying and sprAying....untiL it wAz coveRed witH air fresheneR in a mezZ of whiTe liquid-foAm~!!!!

it struggLed...and finAlly becAme immobiLe.


thougH i knoW my whiTe teA & lilY iz not an insecticide, i remembeR froM my druG dizcoverY lectureZ 3 yrZ bAck thAt any chemicAl, seriouzlY ANY chemicAl, iz toxic wheN giveN in excessiVe doses.....

i murdeRed thAt roAch witH an ultrA excessiVe doze of air fresheneR - hoPe it moVed on to a betteR life.

i don'T wisH to kilL....but creepY crAwleez plz don'T botheR me~!!

esp. wheN i'M alone here siNce botH my houzemAtez are holidAying in chinA...

argH... >.<


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