Friday, May 07, 2010

arsoninG the univerZe~!!!!



juZ atteNded a clAzz discussioN abouT "hoW to picK a scieNtific probleM"...led bY berT vogelsteiN (gonnA nicknAme hiM beeVee~) - a very powerfuL and highlY rezpecTed cAncer reseArcher.....the one who formulAted the vogelgrAm...




beeVee iz sucH a nice persoN....the wAy he tAlkz....juZ mAkez you wannA listeN. i bliVe he muZ be the go-to-guY for beN~ ;)

hmM...hiZ wordZ mAke alot of senZe...whicH led me to thinK abt my owN lAbwork....yeA, i shouLd perK uP my effortZ to 100%...or 111%... *nodzzZ*

the most impressionAble metAphorical phrAze so fAr waz "settinG the worLd on fiRe"...

beeVee: "i wAnt to set the worLd on fiRe..."
illZ (in my miNd): "whoAh...i wAnt to too yoZ~!!"

"arsoN" on googLe imAge.

welL....i guezz i surpriZed him by sAying "generAlly, mY lAb aimz to sAve all the breAzt in the worLd" durinG our initiAl roundtAble introductionZ...whicH mAde all my clAzzmatez lAugh breAking the sterN atmospheRe......and beeVee pAuzed tAking noteZ for a momenT wheN i sAid thAt....LOL~!!!

enN~!!! me shAll begiN strengtheninG the crAisky fiRe in my miNd...~~~

arsoninG mY univerZe...theN hopefullY the univerZe~~~


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