Friday, April 29, 2005

myzterY deAth of a kitteN...

it wAz mid-morning....i wAnted to checK out the lounGe for lAtest handphoNe deAlz in todAy'z newzpAperz..........and i sAw it juZ about 2 meterz from my doorsteP.

clAded in a hide of blAck and whiTe...
seeminGly youNg abt a coupLe of monthZ..
witH itz 4 limbZ spreAded out...
motionlezZ - couLd it be still sleepinG?

i tooK severAl steps up the stairZ to hAve a topologicAl analysiz of itz mortAlity,
stilL motionlezZ - no sigNz of breAthing.

i stood and stAred for a whiLe..
wAsn't awAre of how lonG.....onlY untiL the confirmAtion signAl setz in:

all waZ left wAz a mesH of fuR...
on a miNi cArcazz....
at the outskirT of my hozteL corridoR,
abT 2 meterz away from my doorsteP.

itz not directlY relAted to me - i shouLdn't feel anythinG.
yeZ, i do not develoP negAtive thoughtZ...
buT i juZ wonder weirdlY about life.

life iz strAnge.
it cAn be present in a physicAl bodY at thiZ time,
and perisH within the nexT secoNd.

whisssP - aNd it couLd be goNe - with inexplicAble frAgility.

... ... ...

liVez are losT and grAnted arouNd uz all the tiMe,
even without you knowing it mosT of the tiMe.

so trusT me: treAsure every momenT of your'Z whiLe it'z stilL in you.


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