Wednesday, May 04, 2005

mY morninG wAlk...

there'Z thiZ slope juZ around my hoztel....whicH i roAm down and uP az my morninG wAlk~

it'Z a regiMe whicH i trY to keeP up witH - for the fresH aiR and a littLe exerciZe. I would wAlk dowN the sloPe slowly....u-tuRn in the plAteau portioN and wAlk uphilL bAck to my rooM...the u-turN mArker iz a hoZereel 6683 (thinK thAt'z the nAme lah...).. you cAn checK out snApshotz i tooK during my recenT wAlk beloW~

the oNe thinG i love to spot during my wAlk is a pAir of Collared Kingfishers perchinG on a bAre tAll tree at the sAme spoT....arouNd 9+am dAily....^o^ theiR scientific nAme iz: Halcyon Chloris, which meAnz a peAceful seA....woW, their bLue coloR and neAt collAr surely attrActz me to pAuze my footstepz and enjoy theiR beAuty~ buT too bAd, my phoNe cAmera'z too weAk to snAp it into digitAl form. ;P

doWnhill vieW

turninG point...

uPhill vieW


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