Friday, January 21, 2011

unfossilizAble snoW......w.h.Y?

the nightskY iz pourinG unfossilizAble snoW right noW.


accordinG to see-whY'z protocoL, i'Ve been tryinG to fossiliZe snowflAkez...

afteR wAiting a'Z finAlly snowinG, buT it'z not coLd enougH for the snowflAkez to remAin intAct.

outside my lAb windoW - the fAlling snow iz liT into speckZ of orAngie dusT descendinG beneAth the wilmeR cArpark lAmp...eventuAlly merginG witH the otheR heAvenly teArz to dAmpen the asphAlt grouNd...


some snowflAkes resided on the tree brAnches of thiZ bAre tree stripPed nAked by the winterY coLd.

theze snowflAkez hAve trAnsfigured into brighT orAngie hAnging dropZ of unfossilizAble teArz...:

finAlly re-reAlized thAt some intAngible thingZ are juZ unmeAnt to be fossiliZed. ;)



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