Saturday, December 25, 2010

merrY whiTe xmAs~!!!!!

woKe uP....looKed ouT the windoW, and reAlized it'Z snowinG~!!!!!

"whiTe xmAs" - the drifterZ

jerry'Z thAnks-givinG xmAs emAil and phonecAll mAke me smiLe, i'M thAnkful for gettinG to knoW sucH a greAt lunG oncologisT, fAther, huzbAnd, and frieNd~!! ; )

enN - i'M thAnkful...foR stilL beinG me, and stilL beinG aliVe.

anticipAting to chilL out witH baobAo-chAn on whiTe xmAs dAy~!!! gonnA mAke tAng yuan....etc etc~ whY doeZ my cAmera have to go low bAtt now?

mAy sAfety, heAlth, and hAppinezz be witH everythinG & everyoNe who cArez for me, and everythinG & everyoNe i cAre for. ( ;

merrY whiTe xmAs~


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