Friday, December 24, 2010

a reeeechArged cAttie xmAs eVe~

@ 1:45am on xmAs eVe, i heArd thiZ sonG on the Hopkinz shuttle:

"you mAke it feeL like xmAs" - by Neil Diamond.

you mAke it feeL liKe xmAs...
eveN wheN thingZ go wronG...
i heAr the souNd of xmAs...
in youR sonG...
alL yeAr lonG...

theZe wordZ mAde a stronG impressioN....whiLe i wAz sittinG on the bus pAnting. hahAa....mAybe bcuZ there'Z no one i cAn sinG thoZe wordZ to.

argH - whY did i forgeT to pAck my lAptop chArger?!

thAnkfully...i mAde it, and i reAlized it onlY tAke 5 minz to ruN from the hopkinZ shuttLe stoP to my houZe, grAb my chArger, and ruN bAck to the shuttLe stoP.

hmM....shouLd i eveR moVe ouT if i'M stilL @ Hopkinz?!

wilL neveR surviVe my cAtsitting xmAs weekeNd withouT thiZ...

oH....the buZ driveR wAz hilAriouz...bcuZ he reAlized he cAn turN on muZic on the buZ...and siNce it'Z the ghostlY hour of 1+am, it'Z only me and hiM...and we manAged to fiNd xmAs songZ on the rAdio to blAst on the xmAs buZ~!!! hahAa...

it'Z a hopkinZ shuttLe journeY i wilL neveR forgeT~!!

and i'M trulY thAnkful for the awesoMe driveR~!!! ;)


strAngely, i met rr-C on the 11:50pm shuttLe towArdz hoMewood (@ thAt tiMe i didn'T knoW i didn'T hAve my lAptop chArger~!!!).....welL, he'Z downgrAded (bcuZ he'z totAlly a tAker-only) froM someoNe i thinK iz my v. good frieNd who understAndz me aloT to a "hi" and "bye" Hopkinz associAte. bcuZ we sAt sepArately and we didn'T speAk a word @ alL. awkwArd but it'z alot betteR thiZ wAy. thiZ iz how i defiNe baobAo-chAn'z "beinG civiL".

officiAlly one lezZ frieNd buT one more hilAriouz buZ driveR~!!! LOL~

merrY xmAs~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will find someone to sing to ... you have a guardian angel watching over you.

11:09 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

woW, thoze are the sweetesT wordZ i hAve reAd in a loooooonG tiMe. do i knoW you?

thAnkzzZ, i wilL smiLe wheN i thinK of youR commenT on whiTe xmAs (todAy~!!)...but honestlY, i expecT to hAve onlY myseLf for myseLf. ( ;

11:36 AM  

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