Thursday, November 25, 2010

hAppy thAnkzgiving froM singApore~!!!

hAppy thAnkzgiving froM singApore~!!!

a seAson of giving thAnkz to whoeveR you are grAteful for...


thAnkzgiving iz a huGe holidAy in USA....and thiZ yeAr, i am not in the USA so, insteAd of hAving turkey....i hAd hokkieN mee and orh luaK - whicH iz a zillioN timeZ tAstier~!!!

the evenT i mizZ out most will be the overnighT blAck fridAy retAil therApy witH hAng-ni-mah @ arundeL millZ...

wilL be @ ben'Z thAnkzgiving pArty if i waz in mAryland...but i wouldn't hAve the heArt to be smilinG alot anywAyz.

glAd to be bAck hoMe in singApore @ thiZ point in tiMe.



i do thAnk all thoze who cAre for me genuinelY and stAy witH me in all aspectZ...dezpiTe how i am beinG me.

and i thAnk for the chAncez giveN by alL and myseLf to stAy aliVe in thiZ humAn worLd, for noW.

doeZ the turduckeN tAzte good?

P.S.: i thinK turduckeN iz a crueL disH...


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