Friday, November 05, 2010

cookinG therApy

seriouzlY, i am runninG out of tiMe.

i hAve wondered why there are only 24hrZ everydAy?!

my cooL journAl cluB presentAtion'z on mondAy...and the weekeNd iz filLed with bAllroom dAncing competitioN (so i hAd to skiP ben'Z houZe pArty)...theN i hAve one weeK to wrAp up experimentZ etc etc in cAze my plAne crashes and i never returN to the lAb (who knowz righT?!)....driving tesT iz nexT wed...

i'M dyinG for luggAge spAce siNce zikziK unexpectedlY ordeRed quiTe a numbeR of initiAl luggAge plAn wAz wrecKed. originAlly, i thoughT one luggAge iz to helP dAddy and rr-C brinG bAck some itemZ....theN the otheR will be sufficienT for my own clothez and currenT giftZ.....buT witH the additioN of so mAny thingZ, i hoPe i hAve enougH mAtter whAt thingZ wilL be fiNe~!! ;)

the contingencY iz to returN withouT bringinG my clotheZ...and juZ buy a new wArdrobe bAck home....but thAt costs $$$$$.

eitheR wAy, whY izn'T there a genuiNe shrinkinG guN...whicH wAz how rr-C and me becAme lAmely connected~

hmM...i looK forwArd to thiZ triP bAck hoMe bcuZ chriZ and zhiYu are gettinG mArried~!!! whicH iz whY i prepoNed my februAry cnY triP to novembeR~


anywAyz, i reheArzed dAncing witH melindA tiL 12 yezterdAy....wAz reAding a pAper afteR settlinG dowN in my rooM...theN webcAmed witH zikziK tiL 4 thiZ morninG...woke @ 1015, and reAlly wannA cooK.

cookinG iz'Z fuN, and at the end of it....i get to enjoY my owN cookinG~!!!

cookinG therApy and retail therApy are the besT therApiez~!!!! hmM...of courze there'Z alcohoL therApy too LOL~

welL....thougH i knoW hoW much it meAnz to beN for the whoLe lAb to luncH togetheR....i luncHed witH the lAb yezterdAy...therefoRe, i choZe to cooK and luncH in the littLe world of my owN...

reAched lAb @ 1115...i guezZ i wAz prettY efficienT....cookinG + preppinG and reAching lAb froM wheN i lefT my bed tooK 1 hr:

stripPed chickeN drumsticK meAt stir-fried witH teriyAki sAuce...sprinkLed witH sesAme seedZ and miXed in witH chunkY firM tofu + sesAme oiL steAmed rice...restinG on a bed of lettuce to balAnce out my deliciouZ luncH~

loNe tiMe iz appreciAted by myseLf~


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