Saturday, August 07, 2010

neveR give uP on mY hollAndy cloggY arK~!!!!

it'Z officiAl~!!!!!!!

woodY joiNed me in my Ph.D. journeY...sAiling on hiZ hollAndy cloggY arK....protecTed bY tsu'teY in the seA of scieNce:

woodY shAll provide me witH creAtively constructiVe suggestionZ...
pluZ the glowY pAndora intelligeNce of tsu'teY....
pluZ my greeN lifegeAr flAshlight-glowsticK...
pluZ the non-speAking wheezeR ktV-ing on the bubbleZ of ESOF 2010...
pluZ the greeN eiffeL toweR of pAriz...
pluZ the polisH mini-elephAnt undeR the mini-tRee on the mini-rocK..... ;P

togetheR, we shAll sAil in the seA of scieNce on ouR hollAndy cloggY arK...amongzT the silverY tsu'teY-switcH pebbleZ...witH the frozeN blue-bouNd bi-fountAin of goldeN hersheY-wrApperz~

woodY: i wilL neveR give uP on you~!!!
illZ: enN~!!!



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