Sunday, May 30, 2010

cAptain plAnet, wherefoRe arT tHou?

wenT to the wiNe & herbZ evenT @ boordY witH bAolin and yorKe....theN we diNed @ dukeM.

it wAz a very fuN dAy~~~

and we discuzZed a very seriouz topic durinG dinneR....whicH iz the mAjor oiL spilL @ the meXico guLf...

i don'T usuAlly reAd the newZ, but thiZ evenT iz so HUGE thAt it cAught my attentioN...sigH.

bAsically, B.P. hAz thiZ oiL riG thAt kindA broKe, cAuzing an oiL welL to spilL lotzA oiL froM the oceAn imAgine a volcAno on the oceAn flooR eruptinG....but spewinG oiL insteAd of mAgma.

vieW a good timeliNe summAry here:

yorKe tried to explAin whAt B.P. iz tryinG to do to stoP thiZ spilL....but to no avAil so fAr.....sigH.

theN we tAlked about solutionZ to thiZ and bAolin kepT thinkinG of solutionZ thAt souNd nAive and simpLe, but stilL logicAl. yorKe emphAsized we were veiwinG thiZ situAtion too simplY....the scAle of the spilL iz ginormouZ!! liKe....10000+++ bArrelz of oiL per dAy...the pressuRe the oiL iz spewinG froM the oiL welL iz ultrA higH....

welL, i guezZ the solutioN iz to summoN cAptain plAnet:

i guezZ templeZ & churcheZ of alL kindZ muz be prAying everdAy, righT? hmM, az if prAying iz goinG to helP. (-.-"')

i feeL hurT wheN motheR nAture'z heAlth iz compromiZed. i hoPe the intelligeNce of physicistZ and engineerZ wilL ceAze thiZ disAster sooN.

the worLd iz dyinG ug-ug-uglilY.


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