Saturday, March 05, 2011

eAzy coMe eAzy go~

"grenAde" bY bruno mArz

hmM...afteR wAtching the cliP of tonjesml performinG thiZ on elleN's shoW, i didn'T knoW the sonG wAz by bruno mArz...the sAme guY who did the vocAlz for billionAire.

theN i looKed uP the sonG...and reAlized it hAz very blAtantly meAningful lyricZ thAt addrezZ unreciprocAl loVe.

and it'Z funnY hoW lAst nighT oveR dinneR @ broAdway dineR (az recommeNded bY Joe), me and baobAo juz hAd a conversAtion abt trustinG someoNe so much untiL you wouLd die for thAt persoN...while enjoyinG ouR cuTe peAnut butteR chocolAte mouzZe desserT:

cuTe and deliciouZ~!!

if onlY grenAdez looK so cuTe...the one i heLd befoRe bAck in armY wAz plAin uglY LOL~

"you tozZed it in the trAsh...yeZ you did."

"hAd youR eyeZ wide opeN, whY weRe theY opeN?" = good qnZ.~!!! the answeR dependZ on the purpoZe for keepinG them opeN.

hmM, grenAde.


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