Monday, March 31, 2014

the rAiny forT.

needed to ruN in the rAin.

and the rAin cAme at the perfecT tiMe.

sorTed my miNd while runninG in the freezinG rAin.

perhApz my teArz bleNded in witH the freezinG rAindropz?

or were my teArz az cold az the freezinG rAindropz?


there'Z thiz shArp and smootH beNd along my fAve seAview ruN:

sucH a shorT and strAight pAth...

folloWed by sucH a suddeN chAnge in directioN.


"i am not sAd." by stephAnie suN.

we'Re stAnding right outside your apArtment agAin.
(oNce again i am stAring at my phoNe)
in sileNce.
i'M unsuRe how lonG my seeminglY one-sided wAiting cAn persisT?

eveN thougH you're holdinG my hAnd...
i'M not in your heArt anymoRe.

i trulY understAnd...
thAt you didn'T fAll for someoNe elZe.
it'z me who wAzn't by your side wheN you were lonelY.
stoP lookinG at me to telL me you loVed me.
don'T hurT me.
i am noT sAd.
thiz iz nothinG.
buT i hAve no ideA why my teArz keep fAlling?!

let me leAve you.
let me begiN enjoyinG my freedoM.
the memoriezzZ we shAred...
and your shAdowz will continue to filL my miNd...
i am not a weAkling...
you shouLd know betteR thAn anyone elZe.
dezpiTe my lonelinezZ...
thiz wilL be my...
finAl forgivenezzZ.

huG me.
and huG me tightlY agAin.
plz alloW me to retAin youR wArmth in my heArt.
stoP apologizinG to me...
our loVe hAz eNded.
let our rightz and wrongz be goNe with the wiNd.
let me forgeT everythinG.
and i'lL mAke sure my life iz hAppier thAn yourz.

i trulY understAnd...
thAt you didn'T fAll for someoNe elZe.
it'z me who wAzn't by your side wheN you were lonelY.
stoP lookinG at me to telL me you loVed me.
don'T hurT me.
i am noT sAd.
thiz iz nothinG.
buT i hAve no ideA why my teArz keep fAlling?!

plz stoP explAining...
perhApz thiz endinG iz the besT for botH of uz.
it'z betteR for uz to breAkup now,
thAn to keeP drAgging on bcuz you don'T loVe me anymore.
let go of my hAnd.
let me leAve you.
let me wAlk on...
and reclAim my freedoM.

movinG on in a new directioN.
illZ w.h.Y?

Friday, March 28, 2014

invizibLe wingzzZ~

"wingzzZ of lighT~" bY fAye wonG~

quietlY prezzinG the on buttoN...
the colorzzZ of the screeN becomez brighter and brighteR...

i'M lookinG for a littLe corneR withiN thiz virtuAl citY...
for my souL to tAke a resT.

the clickinG soundzzZ of the plAztic keyboArd...
the ambienT soundzzZ of the mAchine...

abandoninG my imperfecT bodY...
jumpinG througH the windoW of reAlity~

spreAding my invizibLe wingzzZ~
flyinG towArdz the mooN~
scourinG for the prettiezT~
piece of littLe heAven~

pAssing by the eNd of the worLd~
followinG my instinctzzZ~
ridinG on my guzT of imAgination~
exudinG infiniTe rAyz of lighT~

trAnzmitting my thoughtzzZ via higH speed cAblez...
reveAling my dezirezzZ via blinkinG wordzzZ...

preferrinG consolinG wordzzZ to a wArm huG...
bcuz theY seeM to hAve a strongeR toucH of reAlity~

the colorzzZ on the screeN continuez to shiNe brightlY...
the ambienT soundzzZ of the mAcine continuezzZ to huM...

i cAn't find a secreT plAce to hide my dezirezzZ...
in thiz seA of interneT...

the myzteriouZ tunneL iz goinG to be expozed sooN...
i cAn't hide the excitemenT withiN my heArt~

abAndoned my overexhAuzted bodY...
jumPed througH the windoW of reAlity~


Saturday, March 08, 2014

you oH you~

"you oH" by sodAgreen~

to my bAby:

it'z gettinG reAlly lAte now...
our dreAmland haz becoMe our heAven~
youR fAce...secretlY buried into our cottoN cAndy~
your red kiNd and wArm~
your heArt...iz the moz beAutiful heArt in the worLd~!!

you oH you...
my bAby~
you oH you...
so nAive and innocenT~
you oH you...
a littLe shY huh~
you oH you~
oh oh oH~

you oH you...
my bAby~
you oH you...
hurrY put on your blAnkie~
you oH you...
obedientlY fAlling asleeP~
you oH you...
oh oh oH~

you oH you...
my bAby~
you oH you...
i simplY cAn't lie to you~
you oH you...
my purezT bAby~
you oH you...
oh oh oH~
