Sunday, September 30, 2012

relApze? :(

if there iz a God, plz regAin my heAlth...


Sunday, September 23, 2012

crAisky 23rc~!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


"colorzzZ" by mAviz.

toLd myseLf to bloG thiz sonG if i continue to repeAt it over the pAst few dAyz...and i did...

thiz worLd iz too croWded.
my heArt iz too emptY.
let me pAint some colorz into your life...

let me drAw your eyez.
then let me drAw your fAcial expressioN.
i shAll decide how i wAnt you to be...

i don't wAnt too mucH regulArity in my dAily life...
i only wAnt a littLe bit of freedoM to imAgine...

i dizalloW tiMe to pAzz by too quicklY...
i only yeArn for a littLe bit of hAppinezz at my owN eAze...

my dreAm and my reAlity...
don'T telL me they are differenT..?
i shAll decide the kiNd of worLd i liVe in...

i shAll be the one to decide...
you shAll be the one to decide...
who shAll be the one to decide..?

simpLe relevAnt wordzzZ... thAt mAke me pondeR.
